If you forgot your USER ID and Password you may reset it online:
The Secret Question is:
"Where were you Born?"
Only if you came through us:
If you don't know any information, you may call BreEZe Technical Support Number: (916) 557-1208
Enter the ATI number (written at bottom center of your REQUEST FOR LIVE SCAN FORM)
USER ID: email
PASSWORD: what ever you signed up with!
Make a CHECK or MONEY order for $100.00
Make it payable to BSIS
Mailing Address
P.O. BOX 989002
West Sacramento CA 95798-9002
Final Check List:
Mailing Address
P.O. BOX 989002
West Sacramento CA 95798-9002
Final Check List:
Step by Step Guide
Call: 310-677-5000
3227 W Century Blvd , Inglewood, Ca 90303
(Century & Crenshaw - Next to Habit Burger Grill)
10am-5pm Monday to Sat
$69 Guard Card Livescan
$107 Guard card and Firearms Livescan
Safety Public Institute: 6400 E. Washington Blvd Commerce CA 90040
(323) 767-8484